The Alktatraz protection scheme uses almost standard tape encoding and therefore is quite easy to convert.

 This is how you recognise a game which uses this protection:

  1. The Program: prompt is not displayed in the normal way when the basic block loads in.

  2. Instead only some 5 letters of the filename are displayed AT 1,1 position.
  3. After the BASIC loads in a turbo block will be loaded ...
  4. Then there is large pause for aproximatly 12 seconds.
  5. It then starts drawing the loading screen in a custom fashion (very unique :-) )

  6. The animated GIF below portrays how 720 loads with this scheme:

  7. After the screen is complete the rest of the data will load in with a counter counting down (with the scrolling numbers) ... border still stays black

  8. The border remains black throughout loading until the counter reaches 000.
    At which point the game has loaded and the title screen will appear, or a requester to load in level 1 for multi-load games.