CPCEC 20240830 20240902-2121

Con un retraso enorme, ya he publicado un nuevo paquete de CPCEC. He tardado menos en prepararlo que en describirlo, el "log" correspondiente es de 1920 letras: 20240830 -- minor patch with many small additions and bugfixes. All emulators now simulate the gradual signal loss of their DAC devices (either built-in, like the 48K beeper in ZXSEC and the 4th SID voice in CSFEC, or optional, such as the Digiblaster in CPCEC and Konami's Synthesizer in MSXEC) and thus soften and cancel the noise from softwares that don't restore the DACs to their neutral state. MSXEC and CSFEC support up to 2 MB of extended RAM, and MSXEC can read 4-MB cartridges, f.e. the special release of "King's Valley" with sampled music and speech. Rapidly flipping the 128K video page in ZXSEC now fetches all the attributes from the right bank, f.e. one of the final effects in "Elysium State". The C64 SID chip in CSFEC is no longer internally stereo; instead, a single-SID setup optionally simulates stereo with a delay between the left and right sides. The shared runtime between Win32 and SDL2 versions unifies the general synchronisation logic instead of letting each version handle it independently; the versions simply provide wrappers for video, audio and timer logic. Defining the macro VIDEO_BORDERLESS on compile time will enable the reduced window modes (640x400 pixels for CPCEC, 512x384 for ZXSEC, etc) that were already built-in but required editing the headers by hand. "Fine Giga/X-blend" extends the old option "Fine X-blending" to interframe blending; it sets whether the emulator does the traditional two-step Gigascreen composition or a more general motion blur. The onscreen status now includes an audio oscilloscope. Alt+Right and Alt+Left respectively speed the emulation up and down. XRF2, a new video compression mode hopefully improving on the old XRF1, is now generated by the emulators; XRFEC can read both the old XRF1 and the new XRF2. The emulators can record PNG screenshots, although the QOI format stays optionally available on compile time. RUNEC can recognize 8K MSX cartridges.

Para colmo se me ha olvidado incluir la más pintoresca de las novedades: el modo "Chromatron effect" necesario para el peculiar juego de Spectrum "Chromatrons Attack".

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